

4月 / April

お花見&新歓コンパ / Welcome Party

7月 / July

院試頑張れコンパ /
Encourage Party for Postgraduate Exam.
Research Presentation (First Half)

8月 / August

院試お疲れ様コンパ /
After-prom Party to Finish a Postgraduate Exam.

9月 / September

研究室旅行 / Short Trip

10月 / October

関西結晶学研究室ソフトボール大学大会 /
Inter-Crystallographic Labs. Softball Competition

12月 / December

忘年会 /
Presentation of Doctor Thesis
Research Presentation (Second Half)

1月 / January

新年会 / The New Year Party

2月 / February

修士論文発表会 / The Presentation of Master Thesis

3月 / March

卒業論文発表会・追いコン /
The Presentation of Bachelor Thesis Graduation Ceremony
Farewell Party
